Buhler Brand New Roll Cart MDDV Manufacture year 2015 Admin Edit
The MDDV height-adjustable roll removal device is a fixture for changing the millrolls of MDDK and MDDL roller mills from Bühler.It includes all the tools required for changing the rolls, along with a shuttle lift withpallet truck for lifting and transporting the rolls.Features:
The shuttle lift can be raised or lowered to the ideal height for removing therolls installed in the MDDK and MDDL roller mills.
The platform height measured from the base of the roller mill and including thewooden stand is:
approx.582 mm
MDDK-300:approx.557 mm
MDDL-250 upper:approx.1050 mm
MDDL-250 lower:approx.470 mm
Fast installation and removal of the drive pulleys, drive gears, idler gears androll bearings with the aid of the hydraulic installation/removal equipment
Little manual labor involved
The shuttle lift can be moved easily across the roller mill floor on the pallettruck.
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Category: Brand New Buhler Flour Machinery